daria loi
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).

keynotes & panels
Chi Dice Donna Dice STEM, No Label - Aperitivo Inclusivo (Ep. 9), 24 March 2023.
Women in senior tech leadership: problems and opportunities, Keynote/Panel at Spirit of the Game Foundation - The Impactful Women's Network, International Woman's Week - "Women in Science & Tech" [livestream], 6 March 2023.
Designing AI-based products: 6 considerations, Keynote at the 6th New Directions in the Psychology of Technology Research Conference, 11 November 2022.
SIGCHI at 40: celebrations and aspirations, panel at CHI22, 4 May 2022.
Foresight: Just for Strategists or Can Functionaries Play, Too?. Panel at CI Fellows' Foresight Now: Harness The Future,15 September 2022.
Scaling vs Contextualizing. Beyond Academia Panel (chair/moderator), PDC22, 30 August 2022.
Anthropocentric vs Ecocentric. Beyond Academia Panel (chair/moderator), PDC22, 24 August 2022.
Inclusive digital futures: a practitioner’s reflections. Keynote, DCODE Winter School, 24 Jan 2022.
Human centered innovation: 1 example from the field. Keynote, User Experience Psychology Master, Universitá Cattolica + Politecnico di Milano, 21 January 2022.
Tackling the Unglamorous. Keynote, DesignMatters 2020, September 23, Copenhagen, DK.
- Don't design the uninvited. Design tech that matters WITH (not for). Keynote, WomenWhoCode Connect Digital 2020, June 19.
Intelligent Systems for Aging in Place. Keynote, HCID 2019, June 18, London UK.
Designing Health Systems for a Global Village. Panel, Inventure$, 5-7Jun 2019, Calgary AB, Canada.
Intelligent Systems for Aging in Place. Keynote, Asian CHI Symposium. 5 May 2019, Glasgow UK
The Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence. Industry x.0, 10 May 2019, Republic of San Marino.
Designing Intelligent Systems Futures. Keynote, Google D.G. DevFest, 13 Oct 2018, Manila, Philippines.
Opportunità e rischi della trasformazione digitale per un futuro sostenibile di Paesi, industrie e individui: esperienze a confronto. Industry x.0, 10 May 2019, Republic of San Marino.
Intelligent, Affective Systems: People's Perspective & Implications. Keynote, CHIuXiD 2018. Mar 28, Malang Indonesia.
Intelligent, Affective Systems: People's Perspective & Implications. Keynote, CHIuXiD 2018. Mar 27, Jakarta Indonesia.
Intelligent, Affective Systems: People's Persp. & Implications. Keynote, CHIuXiD 2018. Mar 26, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The role of Participatory Design. Keynote, Engineering4Society 2015. 18 Jun 2015, Leuven Belgium.
Designing IT futures: must have skills and tricks. Keynote, FabLab@schoolDK Conference. 20 Apr. 2015, Vejle Denmark.
Ultrabooks & User Experience. Keynote, Design Research Society Symp., 17 Jun 2013, Loughborough University, UK.
A Participatory Design Approach to Product Development. Keynote, Intel WIN Conf., 25 Sept 2013, Portland OR USA.
Walking in the field of rightdoing: when engineers create socially sustainable worlds. Keynote, Fetzer Institute Global Gathering. 19-23 Sept 2012, Assisi Italy.
Digital home storage beyond devices: a cross cultural perspective on how people keep, protect and find what they value. Keynote, UPA Europe 2008 - European Usability Professionals Association Conf., 4-6 Dec 2008, Turin Italy.
Not here nor there [how I learned to stop worrying & love patchworks], Design Principles & Practices. Jan 2007, London UK.
Welcome address. National Seminar Series of the C2C Research project. 3 Oct 2001, Sydney Australia.
invited lectures, presentations & workshops - excludes customers presentations
Human centered innovation: examples from the field. Politecnico di Milano, 30 November 2021
AI Innovation: Cosa. Come. Perche'. Club Startup Innovative, Confindustria Brescia. 3 June 2021.
Intelligenza artificiale, user experience e futuri spazi domestici. Cobox, Cremona Italy. 9 July 2019.
Affective Computing: Challenges & Opportunities. De La Salle University. Manila, Philippines, 8 October 2018.
IoT in the Home. IxD LabTalk, ITU Copenhagen DK, 6 September 2018.
Affective Interaction Design. TechFestival. Copenhagen, DK, 7 Sept. 2018 (with Jonas Fritsch & Lea Schick).
PD manifesto for AI Futures. PDC, Hasselt, Belgium, 21 Aug 2018 (with Lodato, Arar, Wolf and Bloomberg).
UX & co/design in a corporate world. User Centered Innovation, Portland State Uni, Portland OR USA, 9 March 2016.
Design for Affective Intelligence. ACII 2017, San Antonio TX USA, 23 October 2017.
The iterative road from ideas to IT products. Design Tech Talk: Kedelbygningen, Vejie Denmark, 30 April 2015.
The iterative road from ideas to IT products. Public Pit Talk, INCUBA Science Park, Aarhus DK, 29 Apr. 2015.
UX & co/design in a corporate world. Participatory Information Technology, Aarhus Uni., Aarhus DK, 29 April 2015.
4 stories from the field. User-Centered Innovation. Portland State University, Portland OR USA, 13 May 2014.
3 Stories from the Field. Tactile & Tactical Lab, University of Washington, Seattle WA USA, 27 February 2014.
Where’s love in ewaste? 13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek Namibia, 6 October 2014 (with T. Lodato)
Technical Rockstar Panel: UX, Software, and Storage. Intel WIN Conference. Portland OR USA, 25 September 2013.
Tutorial: UX design. 12th IFAC Symp. on Analysis, Design, & Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 13 Aug. 2013.
TV Reinvented. Intel TechTalks, Portland Convention Center, Portland OR, 3 May 2011.
TV Reinvented: from UX to customer impact & ecosystem enabling. Intel RCG Network, Portland OR, 29 June 2011.
TV reinvented (a tale of persistence, intuition & serendipity). Stanford University, Paolo Alto CA, 18 May 2011.
User experience innovation: a tale from the field. Innovation Fusion Talks, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, Portland State University, Portland OR USA, 14 April 2011.
Three technology challenges. School of Science and Tech., Merlo Station High School, Portland OR, 19 Apr. 2011.
UX research and Design Enabling. Service Design Network Melbourne, Melbourne Australia, 6 December 2010.
From ethnographic research to customer impact. Arup, Melbourne Australia, 7 December 2010.
Next gen user interfaces and modalities for the TV space. Business IT & Logistics, RMIT, Melbourne, 7 Dec. 2010.
TV, Reinvented. Design Victoria, Melbourne Australia, 8 December 2010.
Bridging gaps: playful triggers & design enabling in industry settings. Arch., Build. & Plan., Melb Uni., 9 Dec. 2010.
TV Reinvented: UX research and design at Intel Corporation. Faculty of Design, Swinburne Uni, 9 Dec 2010.
Can a travel trunk be a PhD dissertation? Arts-Based Res. Studio. Alberta University. 15 Apr 2010. Virtual Pres.
User Experience and Innovation at Intel. Domus Academy, Milan Italy, 3 June 2010.
Different forms/motivations/orientations to Innovation at Intel. Goldsmiths College, London UK, 25 February 2010.
Different forms/motivations/orientations to Innovation at Intel. Saïd Business School, Univ. of Oxford, 24 Feb. 2010.
Innovation at Intel. Conversations about Innovation, University of Lancaster, Lancaster UK, 18 February 2010.
Experience Design. Conversations about Innovation, University of Lancaster, Lancaster UK, 17 February 2010.
Of Playful Triggers & suitcases: field tales on the joys & dangers of experimental practice. Lancaster Uni,19 Feb 2010.
Playful Triggers, hybrid tools & anomalous artifacts: Field tales on participatory & creative practice. Centre for HCI Design, Faculty of Informatics, City University, London UK, 31 March 2009.
Playful Triggers, hybrid tools & anomalous artifacts: Field tales on participatory & creative practice. Interaction Design Master Program, Domus Academy, Milan Italy, 6 April 2009.
Creativity and Industry, seminar. CASS Business School, City University, London UK, 31 March 2009.
User Experience: case studies from Intel. Masters of Business Design, Domus Academy, Milan Italy, 18 Dec. 2008.
Storage: a point of view, Intel Women’s Principal Engineers Forum, Portland OR USA, 6-9 November 2007.
A thought per day: my travelling inside a suitcase, CAIR, University of Toronto, Toronto Canada, 8 February 2007.
Not here nor there. How I learned to stop worrying and love patchworks, Danmarks Tekniske Uni DK, 26 Jun 2007.
Design Games Workshop, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Copenhagen Denmark, 25 June 2007.
Teachers as Co-researchers, Globalism Inst., Research Seminar series, Melbourne, 10 May 2006 (with Burrows P).
Project Zoo – co-designing experiences at RMIT/ID, Design, Architecture and Building, UTS Sydney, 28 June 2006.
My design process: an account, RMIT Communication Design, Melbourne Australia, 28 March 2006.
Thesis in a suitcase: Arts-Based Inquiry and a Discussion on Methodological and Ontological Positioning, School of Graduate Studies, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia, 1 June 2006.
Daria's Suitcase: Part 3, National Institute of Design Research, Swinburne Univ., Melbourne Australia, 28 Apr. 2006.
Daria's Suitcase: Part 2, National Institute of Design Research, Swinburne University, Melbourne, 17 February 2006.
Learning-by-Design: combining a pedagogical framework and epublishing medium to create, plan and share teaching practice, ICS Research Day, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia, 28 October 2005.
The Italian bricoleur - Teaching Participatory Design in Australia, Alp-IS, Carisolo TN Italy, 19-22 February 2005.
Cultural Probes, Facoltá di Sociologia, University of Trento, Trento Italy, 17-18 February 2005.
PhD research, RMIT School of Architecture and Design, Melbourne Australia, 19 August 2005.
Lavoretti per bimbi - a PhD journey, RMIT Fashion, Melbourne Australia, 26 August 2005.
Participatory Design and Cultural Probes: a Teaching & Learning Experience, IDEALab, Melbourne Uni, 2 Sept. 2005.
My theory on Practice - Bricolaged methodologies in postgraduate research, RMIT Commun. Design, 13 Sept. 2005.
Bricolaged methodology: an introduction and an example, Symposium Series on the Practice of Research, Postgraduate Association of School of Architecture, Building and Planning (ABP), Uni. of Melbourne, 3 Nov. 2005.
A suitcase as a PhD? Metaphorical artefacts|play&wonder|multisensorial writing|participation|readers, IDEA Lab, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia, 12 August 2005.
Daria's Suitcase: A Rare Opportunity to Unpack and Explore A New Way of Thinking About Your World, National Institute of Design Research, Swinburne University, Melbourne Australia, 14 November 2005.
Can this suitcase be a PhD thesis? I, We, They, It: Finding Voice in Creative Research Symposium, Victoria University, Melbourne Australia, 7 October 2004.
Research process & examples. Telematics Centre, Exeter University, Exeter UK, 20 September 2004.
Research process & examples, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo Norway, 24 September 2004.
My eyes/Your Eyes/Our Eyes, RMIT Qualitative Research Association, Melbourne Australia, 10 June 2003.
A perspective on e-publishing and e-technology. Industry presentation to National Copyright Administration of China on e-Publishing Ecology, RMIT Uni., Melbourne Australia, 14 August 2002 (with Burrows, P, Coburn, M & Wilkins, L).
A Threatened Murderer: A Spa Day for Health Service Managers, RMIT Business, 3 Dec. 2002 (with P. Burrows).
The Pea Project. Teaching & Learning Forum, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia, 24 October 2002.
A perspective on e-publishing and e-technology. Symposium The big ‘e’: e-book, e-publishing, and e-, State Library, Melbourne Australia, 3 August 2001 (with Burrows P, Coburn M & Wilkins L).
Webe@sy. Luga Gerontology, Melbourne Australia, 18 August 2001 (with P. Burrows, M. Coburn & L. Wilkins).
white papers, press & blog features
Frati, S. Daria Loi: Anima high tech. Mondo Padano, 2 February 2019.
Marcus, K. The Now of Device Usage: Opportunities for Developers in 2016 and Beyond. 20 Nov 2015.
Intel UX Team Adds Heuristic Analysis to Expanding Toolkit. Digit. 16 Sept 2014.
Romaine, G. New 10x10 Process Combines Participatory Design with Agile Product Development. 17 Jan 2014.
Romaine, G. Asking the Right Questions Improves Product Development. 23 Jul 2014.
Portigal, S. Daria’s war story: human thresholds. 7 January 2013.
Lieberman, B. Pointing the Way: Designing a Stylus-driven Device in a Mobile World. 22 Mar 2013.
Paine, S. Digitizers and Ultrabook. What People Want. UMPC Portal. 28 Jan 2013.
Wendy B., All-in-One PC: What are the developer possibilities? Intel Developer Zone, 3 July 2013.
Wendy B. New Ultrabook™ experiences unveiled at IDF Beijing 2013. Intel Developer Zone, 16 Apr 2013.
Wendy B. Touch Major Factor Driving Industry Growth: Good News for Developers, Intel Dev. Zone, 6 May 2013.
Gillespie, M. The Winning Combination of Keyboard and Touch for Ultrabooks™. 2012.
Wendy B., User Experience and Ultrabook app development, Intel Developer Zone, 29 Nov 2012.
Baxter-Reynolds, M. The Human Touch: Building Ultrabook™ Applications in a Post-PC Age. 2012.
Wendy B., Keyboard and Touch: Like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Intel developer Zone, 7 Sept 2012.
Wendy B. Touch Design Principles part 2: Postures and Touch Targets, Intel Developer Zone, 29 Aug 2012.
Wendy B, Get In Touch: Design Principles to Remember. Intel Developer Zone. 20 Aug 2012.
Wendy B., The Sesame Street Guide to Developing Touch-Based Apps for Kids, Intel dev. Zone, 21 Dec 2012.
Kridel, T. Has UI and UX Innovation Plateaued? Digital Innovation Gazette. 2012.
Busse Design, 3 ways to avoid UI/UX plateau
Intel Software Adrenaline, Faces and Interfaces: Transparent Connections Enrich Creativity
Experientia, Intel’s UX research on touch interface usage and Ultrabooks
Luke Wroblewski, 2012, Re-imagining Apps for Ultrabook™ (Part 1): Touch Interfaces
Intel Free Press, Do People Want Touch on Laptop Screens?, 03/22/12
Chandrasekara, P. Intel Conducts Study to See If Touchscreen Laptops are wanted, Ubergizmo, 04/09/2012
Wood, S. Intel Conducts Study to See If You Want Touchscreen Laptops, Tom’s Hardware, 07/04/12
Intel Developer Zone, 2012, New Ultrabook™ experiences unveiled at IDF Beijing 2013
Davidson, J. Caress your notebook: Intel, Australian Financial Review, 04/04/12
Foremski, T Touch Me: Do Users Really Want Touch-Responsive Computers?, Silicon Valley Watcher, 03/28/12
Consumer Tests Reveal Users Want Single Device with a Keyboard that Opens, Closes and Is Touch Enabled, TechBlogger, 04/04/12
Intel Developer Zone, Get In Touch: Design Principles to Remember, 2012.
Jang, C. Consumer Tests Reveal Users Want Single Device with a Keyboard that Opens, Closes and Is Touch Enabled, Aving Global News Network, 4 April 2011.
Fenech, S. Touchscreen or laptop? Intel testing shows we want both, Techguide, 27 March 2012.
Intel Developer Zone, Touch Major Factor Driving Industry Growth: Good News for Developers, 2012.
Knopers, F. Intel expects more than 75 new ultrabooks in 2012, Technology News, 03/29/12
Intel Developer Zone, User Experience and Ultrabook™ App Development, 2012.
Koh, D. IDF 2010: From research to reality, CNET Asia, 13 September 2010.
Hachman, M. Intel's Design Work Guided by 'Experiences, Too, PC Mag, 12 September 2010.
Keys, P. Intel user research results to the application of television and automobiles, Tech-on!
Stone, H. 4 Context-Aware Computing Technologies from Intel That Will Shape the Future
Macnamara, L, ‘Project of the Apes’, The Australian, Higher Education, 8 February 2006.
Adams, D, ‘Industrial Strength’, The Age, My Career, 23 November 2005.
Borrack, M, ‘Public Cyber Space opens’, Moreland Sentinel, 7 June 1999.