daria loi
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).
Senior technical leader, with a 20+ years industry and academic experience and the goal and passion to mix design strategy with agile user experience (UX) research and innovation to enrich people’s everyday life and humanize technology.
My current focus is Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an emphasis on smart spaces, sensor technology and aging in place. Prior to Intel, I worked as architect in Italy and Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Australia.
I am committee member and reviewer for several international journals, institutes and conferences and conducted research and presented in 6 continents. In 2018 I was recognized as one of Italy's 50 most inspiring women in tech (InspiringFifty initiative).
Smith, C.R., Loi, D., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Huybrechts, L. and J. Simonsen (Eds), 2024, Handbook of Contemporary Participatory Design, Routledge.
book chapters
Loi, D 2016, ‘Researcher Thresholds’, in Portigal, S. Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries: User Research War Stories. Rosenfeld Media, pp. 32-34.
Loi, D 2013, ‘Ultrabooks and UX – when users inform product strategy’, in Prabhala, S & Ganaphathy, S (Eds) Transforming Ethnography: User Experience Methods and Practices. Nova Science Publisher.
Loi, D. 2008, 'A thought per day: my travelling inside a suitcase', in Knowles, G. & A. Cole (Eds.) Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-Informed Thesis or Dissertation, Backalong Books, Halifax, NS.
Loi, D. 2007, ‘TUIs as mediating tools within adaptive educational environments’, in McKay, E. (Ed.) Enhancing Learning Through Human Computer Interaction, Idea Group, Hershey, PA. pp. 178-191.
Loi, D. 2006, ‘Can this suitcase be a PhD thesis? Author, readers, academia, multisensorial writing and the story of an anomalous thesis format’, in Booth J. (Ed.) I, We, It They: finding voice in creative research, Common Ground Publishing.
Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & Loi, D. 2002, 'The reader as user in a re-intermediated supply chain: Making the shift from Consumer to User', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Markets for Electronic Book Products, 163-179.
Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & Loi, D. 2002, 'John Paul College - Publishing Futures in an eLearning Community', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Markets for Electronic Book Products, Common Ground Publ., Australia, 27-44.
Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & Loi, D. 2002, 'A Case Study: Tea Tree Gully eDocument Initiative', in B Cope & D Kalantzis (eds), Markets for Electronic Book Products, Common Ground Publishing, Australia, 11-26.
Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & Loi, D. 2002, 'Finding a place in the epublishing ecology', in B Cope & D Kalantzis (eds), Markets for Electronic Book Products, Common Ground, Australia, 181-198.
Bellamy, C., Burrows, P., Coburn, M., Loi, D. & Wilkins, L. 2001, 'Creating a viable etext market', in B. Cope & D. Mason (eds), Creator-to-Consumer in a Digital Age: Australian Book Production in Transition, CommonGround, 115-143.
Burrows, P., Loi, D., Wilkins, L. & Coburn, M. 2001, 'Electronically mediated learning materials', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Print and Electronic Text Convergence - Technology Drivers across the Book Production Supply Chain, from Creator to Consumer, Common Ground Publishing, Australia, 183-221.
Coburn, M., Burrows, P., Loi, D. & Wilkins, L. 2001, 'eBook readers: Directions in enabling technology', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Print and Electronic Text Convergence - Technology Drivers across the Book Production Supply Chain, from Creator to Consumer, Common Ground, Australia, 145-181.
Loi, D., Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & L. Wilkins 2001, 'A multi-disciplinary team based approach to innovation and research for an Australian telecommunications company', in L. Collina & G. Simonelli (eds), Designing Designers - Training strategies for the third Millenium, POLI.DESIGN, pp. 79-88.
Loi, D., Burrows, P., Coburn, M. & Wilkins, L. 2001, 'The need for a new mindset - Books and text as part of a product-service system', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Print and Electronic Text Convergence - Technology Drivers across the Book Production Supply Chain, from Creator to Consumer, Common Ground, 17-57.
Wilkins, L., Coburn, M., Burrows, P. & Loi, D. 2001, 'The trials of technology - The Brisbane ebook reader trial and focus group', in B. Cope & M. Kalantzis (eds), Print and Electronic Text Convergence - Technology Drivers across the Book Production Supply Chain, from Creator to Consumer, Common Ground, Australia, 223-265.
journal articles
Loi, D. and R. Arar 2024, 'Participatory Design, Beyond', ACM Interactions, XXXI.5, Sept- Oct 2024.
Loi, D., 2024, 'The inflammable space between AI and Art', ACM Interactions, XXXI.3, May/June 2024.
Loi, D., Miller, M., Spence, J. and K. Sullivan, 2024, 'Time to Get Back to Work', ACM Interactions, XXXI.1, January/February 2024.
Loi, D., 2023, 'Our Liaison Shall Remain Imperfect and Complicated', ACM Interactions, XXX.5, September/October 2023.
Loi, D., 2023, 'Diamonds of sadness. A story of high tech greed, power and hypocrisy', ACM Interactions, XXX.3, May/June 2023.
Loi, D., 2023, 'You, Things, and the Space between", ACM Interactions, XXX.1 January - February 2023.
Kuhn, A et all, 2022, 'SIGCHI at 40: Celebrations and Aspirations', ACM Interactions, XXIX.5, Sept-Oct 2022.
Loi, D. 2022, 'Beautiful (im)perfections are us', ACM Interactions, XXIX.5, Sept-Oct 2022.
Loi, D. 2022, 'Designing the Unfinished | A Home is not a House', ACM Interactions, XXIX.3, pp.16-18, May-Jun 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3529163
Loi, D. 2021, 'Be Like a Hummingbird: Three Opportunities to Do the Best We Can for This Planet We Call Home', ACM Interactions, XXIX.1, Jan-Feb 2022, pp. 23-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3505615
Loi, D. 2021, 'Design. Research. Art. | Weaving Voices to Enrich HCI Practice', ACM Interactions, XXVIII.5 September - October 2021, pp. 19-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3477225
Loi, D. 2021, 'A lifelong journey: addressing racial biases in design and research processes', ACM Interactions, XXVIII.3 May - June 2021, pp. 18-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3457879
Loi, D. & Lodato, T. 2021, 'On empathy and empiricism: Addressing stereotypes about older adults in technology', ACM Interactions, XXVIII.1 January - February 2021, pp. 23-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3436944
Dillon, P & Loi, D 2008, ‘Adaptive educational environments: theoretical developments and educational applications’, UNESCO Observatory Refereed E-Journal - Special Issue on 'Creativity, Policy and Practice Discourses: Productive Tensions in the New Millenium', 1:3.
Roibás, A. & Loi, D. 2007, 'DIY iTV producers: emerging nomadic communities', International Journal of Web Based Communities, Vol. 3, Issue 4, November 2007, pp 416–426. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJWBC.2007.015867
Burrows, P. & Loi, D. 2006, ‘Learning-by-Design: combining a pedagogical framework and epublishing medium to create, plan and share teaching practice’, in The International Journal of Learning, 13, Common Ground Publishing, Australia.
Loi, D. & Dillon, P. 2006, 'Adaptive Educational Environments as Creative Spaces', Cambridge Journal of Education 36(3), Routledge, Oxford, UK.
Loi, D. & Burrows, P. 2006, ‘Magritte and the pea: anomalous artefacts and the contexts they create’, Working Papers in Art and Design, vol. 4.
Loi, D. 2005, 'Piazzas where to meet: organisational settings and their un-manageable spaces in-between', International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, vol. 4.
Loi, D. 2004, 'A suitcase as a PhD? - Exploring the potential of travelling containers to articulate the multiple facets of a research thesis', Working Papers in Art and Design - The Role of the Artefact in Art & Design Research, vol. 3.
Morelli, N. & Loi, D. 2002, 'Designing Product-Service Systems, a Social Construction Activity. A Case Study on Urban Telecentres', in L. Banwell & M. Collier (eds), Human Aspects of the Information Society: an International Collection of Papers, Information Management Research Institute, Northumbria Uni., Newcastle upon Tyne, 78-88.
edited manuscripts, blogs and forewords
Loi, D. 2021, 'To have more women in senior leadership, we need to walk the talk', Avast Blog, 30 September 2021.
Loi, D 2019, 'Foreword', in McKenna, P. “Ambient Urbanities as the Intersection Between the IoT and the IoP in Smart Cities”, IGI Global.
Greenbaum, J & Loi, D (Eds) 2012, CoDesign Special issue 8.2-3 (June-September 2012).
Robertson, T, Bødker, K, Bratteteig, T, Loi, D (Eds) 2010, Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference (PDC2010), Sydney, Australia, November 29-december 3. ACM New York, NY USA.
conference refereed papers & presentations
Arar, R & D. Loi, 'Mirrors: Reflecting the PDC Community', Proceedings of the 17th Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2022), Vol. 2, Aug 19–Sept 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3537797.3537892
Smith, R.C., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Loi, D., de Paula, R., Kambunga, A.P., Muudeni Samuel, M., Zaman, T. 2020, ' Decolonizing Design Practices: Towards Pluriversality', CHI '21 Extended Abstracts: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, Yokohama, Japan, May 2021. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411763.3441334
Smith, R.C., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Loi, D., Kambunga, A.P., Muudeni Samuel, M., de Paula, R. 2020, 'Decolonising Participatory Design Practices: Towards Participations Otherwise', Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Vol. 2, June 2020, pp. 206–208. https://doi.org/10.1145/3384772.3385172
Shadowen, N., Lodato, T., Loi, D. 2020. 'Participatory Governance in Smart Cities: Future Scenarios and Opportunities', in Streitz N., Konomi S. (eds) Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12203. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50344-4_32
Loi, D. 2019, '@HOME: Exploring the role of Ambient Computing for Older Adults', 21st International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Orlando FL, 26-31 July.
Loi, D., Wolf, C.T., Arar, R., Blomberg, J., Brereton, M., 2019, 'CoDesigning AI Futures: Integrating AI Ethics, Social Computing, and Design', Companion Publication of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019, pp. 381–384. https://doi.org/10.1145/3301019.3320000
Fritsch, J., Light, A., Loi, D., 2019, 'Designing at the end of the world', Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019, June 2019, pp. 369–372. https://doi.org/10.1145/3301019.3319999
Anderson, J., Panneer, S., Shi, M., Marshall, C., Agrawal, A., Chierichetti, R., Raffa, G., Sherry, J., Loi, D. and L. Durham 2018, ‘Kid Space: Interactive Learning in a Smart Environment’, GIFT'18: Proceedings of the Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology, October 2018, Article 8, pp. 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1145/3279981.3279986
Loi, D. 2018, ‘Ten Guidelines for Intelligent Systems Futures’, FTC2018 Future Technologies Conference 2018, Vancouver BC, Canada, November 13-14.
Loi, D., Lodato, T., Wolf, C., Arar, R. and J. Blomberg 2018, ‘PD Manifesto for AI Futures’, Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference - Volume 2, Article 48, pp. 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1145/3210604.3210614
Loi, D. 2018, ‘Intelligent, Affective Systems: People's Perspective & Implications’, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience in Indonesia, CHIuXiD, March 2018, pp. 101–104. https://doi.org/10.1145/3205946.3205962
Loi, D., and R Nagisetty, 2017, ‘Testing Users’ Perception of Distributed Haptics’, DTTC2017 – Intel Design and Test Technologies Conference, Portland OR USA, Jul 30- Aug 3.
Loi, D, Raffa, G and A Arslan Esme, 2017, ‘Design for Affective Intelligence’, 7th Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction conference, San Antonio, TX.
Hjorth, M, Smith, R, Loi, D, Iversen, O & K Christensen 2016, ‘Educating the Reflective Educator: Design Processes and Digital Fabrication for the Classroom’, FabLearn '16: Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Creativity and Fabrication in Education, October 2016, pp. 26–33. https://doi.org/10.1145/3003397.3003401
Lodato, T & D Loi 2014, ‘Where’s love in ewaste?’, PDC '14: Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference, Vol. 2, October 2014, pp 195–197. https://doi.org/10.1145/2662155.2667198
Blomberg, J, Hagen, P, Loi, D, Osseo-Asare, Y, Wayua, C, Miettinen, J, & A Korsah, 2014, ‘Exploring the potential for participatory design in Africa’, PDC '14: Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference, Vol. 2, October 2014, pp. 117. https://doi.org/10.1145/2662155.2662238
Loi, D 2013, ‘Ultrabooks and Windows 8: a touchy UX story’, DUXU'13: Proceedings of the Second international conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability, Volume Part IV, July 2013, pp 57–66. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39253-5_7
Prabhala, S, Loi, D & S Ganapathy 2011, ‘Ethnography, ethnography or ethnography? What happens when the same word means different things for different disciplines?’, HCII2011 - 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, FL, July 9-14.
Loi, D. 2011, 'TV reinvented: designing pleasurable interfaces for the living room', DPPI '11: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, June 2011, Article 18, pp 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1145/2347504.2347524
Loi, D 2011, ‘Changing the TV industry through user experience design’, in A. Marcus (Ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability, HCII 2011, pp. 465-74.
Loi, D 2011, ‘Revolutionizing the TV industry through user experience design’, UX Lx: UX Lisbon, May 11-13.
Loi, D & Prabhala, S 2010, ‘Emerging Markets: Product and Service Opportunities for Middle and Upper Middle Class’, IEEE Management Science & Information Engineering (ICMSIE), Zhengzhou, China, December 17-19
Loi, D 2009, ‘Leading through design enabling: practical use of design at Intel’, Design Connexity - 8th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Aberdeen Scotland, April 1-3.
Loi, D & Melican, J 2008, ‘Rethinking the smart home: an environmental perspective’, Changing the Change - An int. conf. on the role and potential of design research in the transition towards sustainability, Torino, Italy, July 10-12.
Loi, D 2008, ‘Of Material Homes (the experiential, the physical and the technological: an eternal golden braid)’, 2008 American Anthropological Association Conference, 19-23 November, San Francisco, CA.
Loi, D 2008, ‘Of participation in industry: a hybridized possibility?’, 10th Biennial Participatory Design Conference - Experiences and Challenges, Bloomington IN, October 1-4.
Loi, D & Prabhala S 2008, ‘The Rise of Middle and Upper Middle Class in Emerging Markets: Product and Service Opportunities’, OZCHI '08: Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Designing for Habitus and Habitat, December 2008, pp 275–278. https://doi.org/10.1145/1517744.1517777
Burrows, P & Loi, D 2007, ‘Designing and using a participative methodology for eliciting insights from teachers’ practices', International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, London, UK, Jan 4-7.
Loi, D. 2007, ‘Playful Triggers’, Int. Conference on Design Principles and Practices, London, UK, January 4-7.
Loi, D & Burrows, P 2007, ‘Pea Project: five years after the making’, International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, London, UK, January 4-7.
Loi, D 2007, ‘Project Zoo: when students, keepers, orang-utans, seals, bears and baboons become design partners’, Include 2007 - International conference on Inclusive Design, RCA, London, UK, 2-4 April.
Loi, D 2007, ‘Reflective Probes, Primitive Probes and Playful Triggers’, EPIC07 – Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, Keystone CO, 3-6 October.
Loi, D 2007, ‘Of Suitcases, Playful Triggers and Other Stories - Enabling Collaborative and Creative Practices in Post-Disciplinary Worlds’, SIOP 2007 - Enabling Innovation in Organizations, Kansas City, MO, Oct 26-27.
Loi, D. 2006, 'Project Zoo: co-designing behavioral enrichment products and activities for orang-utans', PDC06 - Participatory Design Conference, University of Trento, Jul 31-Aug 5.
Loi, D. & Burrows P. 2006, ‘Magritte and the pea: anomalous artefacts and the contexts they create’, Research into Practice Conference, Hertfordshire University, UK, 7-8 July.
Loi, D. & Roibás, A. 2006, 'Co-investigating user-Experiences in pervasive iTV future scenarios', PDC2006: Expanding Boundaries in Design, University of Trento, Italy, July 31‑August 5.
Loi, D 2006, '[my|your|our suitcase]', Interactive and Refereed Installation at MART, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto (installation part of PDC2006, University of Trento, Italy, August 1-5.
Loi, D 2006, ‘Lavoretti per Bimbi’, Interactive and Refereed Installation at MCIS06 - 2006 Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Venice, Italy, October 5-9.
Loi, D. 2005, ‘They made me see: users and learners as co-designers’, Include, Royal College of Art, UK, 5-8 Apr.
Loi, D. 2005, ‘Open the suitcase: readers as active participants’, Include, Royal College of Art, UK, 5-8 April.
Loi, D. 2005 ‘The Italian bricoleur - Teaching Participatory Design in Australia’, Alp-IS, Alpine Information Systems seminar, promoting the Social Study of Information Systems in the Mediterranean region, 19-22 Feb, Carisolo, Italy.
Roibás, A. & Loi, D. 2005, 'HCI Design for pervasive computing', HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, NV, 22-27 July.
Roibás, A., Tuomela, U., Loi, D., Simola, S., Kytokorpi, K., Rossel, P., Glassey, O. 2005, ‘Design of novel scenarios: applications to foster mobile communities’, 2nd Int. Conf. on Communities & Techn., 13-16 Jun, Milano, Italy.
Burrows, P. & Loi, D. 2004, 'A Surrealist Encounter: using eccentric objects and odd experiences to foster reflective and collaborative learning', OBTC 2004 - 30th Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, A Tradition of Teaching, University of Redlands, CA, June 22-26.
Loi, D. 2004, 'Designers or Managers? New Emerging Figures within Organizations', in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture & The Design Society (eds), Design 2004, V.3, Zagreb and Glasgow, 1481-6.
Loi, D. 2004, 'Teaching Design Theory and Practice: a Participatory Journey', in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture & The Design Society (eds), Design 2004, V.1, Zagreb & Glasgow, 659-64.
Loi, D. 2004, 'Piazzas where to meet: organisational settings and their un-manageable spaces in-between', Management Conference 2004 - The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, University of Greenwich, London., 3-6 Aug.
Loi, D. 2004, 'A suitcase as a PhD? Exploring the potential of travelling containers to articulate the multiple facets of a research thesis', Research into Practice Conference, Hatfield UK, Jul 2.
Loi, D. 2004, 'Document/Reflect/Create - Cultural Probes in Teaching and Learning environments', in A. Bond, A. Clement, F. de Cindio, D. Schuler & P. van der Besselar (eds), PDC 2004, Vol. 2, CPSR, Toronto, Canada, 123-6.
Loi, D. & Burrows, P. 2004, 'A table, a box, friends and conversation: stimulating collaborative reflection', 3rd Carfax International Conf. on Reflective Practice - Reflection as a catalyst for change, Gloucester, England, June 23-25.
Loi, D., Voderberg, M., Liney, B., Marwah, S., Manrique, P. & Piu, G. 2004, '"Live like I do" - a PD case study using Cultural Probes', in A Bond, A Clement, F de Cindio, D Schuler & P van der Besselar (eds), PDC04, V. 2, pp. 191-4.
Loi, D. 2003, 'Shared work environments as ecologies: new ways of working and designing', EAD03, Apr 28-30.
Loi, D. 2003, 'Shared Work Environments as Ecologies: New Ways of Working and Dealing with Crisis', MAAOE 2003 - 4th Int. Conf. on Organizational Excellence Conference, 20-22 October 2003, Melbourne, Australia.
Loi, D. 2003, 'Systems that Learn, Evolve and Foster Shared Activities: Shared Work Environments as Ecologies', in T Haslett & R Sarah (eds), ANZSYS03 - 9th Australia & New Zealand Systems Conf., Melbourne, Australia.
Loi, D 2003, ‘My eyes, Your Eyes, Our Eyes’, 2nd Annual RMIT Research on Research Conference – Practice Based Research: Recognition, Relevance, Rigour, 2-3 June, Novotel Convention Centre, Melbourne Australia.
Burrows, P. & Loi, D. 2002, 'The Pea Project', in I King, S Linstead & C Watkins (eds), The Art of Management and Organisation, The Essex Management Centre - University of Essex, King's College, London.
Burrows, P., Loi, D. & Coburn, M. 2002, 'The Pea Project - A proposal for a whole of conference interactive experience including a 60-90 minute workshop', OBTC 2002 - 29th Annual Organizational Behaviour Teaching Conference - The Courage to Teach, 19-22 June 2002, Chapman University, CA.
Loi, D., Burrows, P. & Coburn, M. 2002, 'The Pea Project - Design Stimulus', in T Binder, J Gregory & I Wagner (eds), PDC02 - Participatory Design Conference 2002, CPSR, Malmö, Sweden, pp. 415-417.
Loi, D. 2001, 'Commercial shared workspaces as product-service systems: Actors, variables and interactions in designing collaborative environments', in R Cooper & V Branco (eds), EAD: Desire Designum Design, Portugal.
Morelli, N. & Loi, D. 2001, 'Design and Heterogeneous Networks. A Case Study Designing a Service for Internet Access', in R Cooper & V Branco (eds), EAD: Desire Designum Design, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 348-357.
Loi, D 2005, ‘Lavoretti per bimbi: Playful Triggers as keys to foster collaborative practices and workspaces where people learn, wonder and play’, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia.
Loi, D 1996, ‘La Musica delle Cose - Interrelazioni tra la Generazione della Forma e la Generazione del Suono’, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
selected commercial publications
Loi, D 1999, ‘Public Office’, HU 94, DiGreco, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 1999, ‘Giancarlo Piretti’, (Inside), 14, Niche, Sydney Australia.
Loi, D 1999, ‘Telelavoro - Fine dei Modelli Lavorativi Inflessibili’, HU 97, DiGreco, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 1999, ‘Telelavoro – Chi e Dove’, HU 96, DiGreco, Italy.
Loi, D 2000, ‘Biennale di Venezia - Less Aesthetics?’, (Inside) 17, Niche Media, Australia.
Loi, D 2000, ‘Kjell Grant’, HU 100, DiGreco, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 2001, ‘Melbourne Gateway e Bolte Bridge’, Abitare 401, Segesta, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 2000, ‘Telecentri: il lavoro nel 2000’, HU 99, DiGreco, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 2001, ‘Makio Hasuike – A Japanese in Milan’, (Inside) 18, Niche, Sydney.
Loi, D & Wilkins, L 2001, ‘Virtually an Office’, Supermarket to Asia, 4(4), Gorrie Group.
Loi, D & Wilkins, L 2001, ‘Tools for the Virtual Office’, Supermarket to Asia, (5)1, Gorrie Group.
Loi, D & L. Wilkins, 2001 ‘the Virtual Office Providers, Supermarket to Asia, 5(2), Gorrie Group.
Loi, D 2002, Establishment Hotel, Abitare 413, Gennaio 2002, Segesta, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 2002, Global Design: Australia, Abitare 413, Gennaio, Segesta, Milano Italy.
Loi, D 2002, ‘Lonely Planet Publications a Melbourne: interazioni’, HU 110, DiGreco, Italy.
Loi, D 2003, Global Design: Australia, Abitare 425, Gennaio, Segesta, Milano Italy.